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Self Weaning from Breastfeeding

March 30, 2011

A few days ago I wrote a post regarding one of the reality’s of baby growing up. I just wrote a quick post saying that my baby had self weaned and that I was missing it. Now I feel like I could have written more so I have. (thank you to those of you that left a comment to that post)

My baby is 19 months old. Up to 12 days ago I was still breastfeeding him. I loved it. He loved it. I thought we had many months to go still as he was having 3 feeds a day from me.

He was so cute. He would get the pillow I used to feed with and come up to me and climb up and hand it to me.  He would say, ‘Ta, Ta’ to me. If I ignored him the tears would fall down his little cheeks until I fed him.

I was proud. I was proud of myself and of us. I loved it when the Maternal Health Nurse congratulated me on our 18 month check up for our longevity in breastfeeding. I said it was all him and it was. I just did what he wanted and thankfully this time around I had no dramas apart from cracked nipples early on and leaking all the time. No biggies right? Especially compared to what some poor mums go through.

I was proud when my 6 year saw me feed his brother and wanted to know why I was doing this and how I was doing it and did I really do that when I was a baby too mummy? I also was proud when early on (when he was 5) he would lift his shirt up and pretend to feed his teddy bear .

I was proud I could feed him anywhere and everywhere. I was one of those mums that did not care who was looking, I just lifted my shirt and feed my baby where ever we were.

I was proud when people would ask when I was weaning him. I would answer, ‘when he is ready’

I guess I should say, I AM proud. Not was proud.

12 days ago at 9.30 in the morning I gave my baby boy his last ever breast feed. At that time I never knew it was going to be our last feed. I had no idea as leading up to this day he was demanding more feeds from me (I couldn’t figure out why?). I then went to the Aussie Bloggers Conference for 2 nights.

According to my husband, who was home looking after our two boys, he never seemed to miss it. I missed it while away. I missed them more but often I wished I could feed him. (especially when I saw the others mummy’s feeding their babies)

When I got home he never asked for it so I never offered it. At 19 months I knew that the end was nigh anyway.

The first few days after getting home, I felt like I had off milk inside me. I just felt sick. I just wanted to lie in bed and do nothing except watch chick flicks and eat chocolate. But I couldn’t. I just had to get on with it.

At the moment, I think I am still recovering from the hormonal changes. I really, really, really miss it. I miss him and I miss it. I try and still have cuddle time in the morning and a few times in the day so we still get our cuddles. Usually he is too busy and runs off to do something but sometimes he lets me just hold him. I just emotional and all over the place and have gone through many tissues just writing this post.

Now to focus on the positives, I am not tied to him anymore. I can drink alcohol if I like when I like. (that sounds bad but when you haven’t been able to drink for nearly 3 years it is a bit exciting for me and my girlfriends who are hanging out to go out for a grown up meal)

When I get those inevitable pre menstrual cramps I can actually have strong pain killers. I can wear normal bras and stop wearing breast pads!

See, its not all bad. (I’ll just keep telling myself that)


image: davidcogh



Categories: baby Tags: ,
  1. March 30, 2011 at 9:37 pm

    Oh I needed a tissue reading this. The breastfeeding relationship is so special. You’ve done such a fantastic job, and definitely should feel proud x

  2. March 30, 2011 at 9:55 pm

    For my first two, I never knew their last feed would be their last feed. I fed them for a nap and then went to feed them for bedtime and they weren’t interested. The oldest weaned at 18 months, the second at 16 months. It broke my heart, but like you, I tried to see the positives. Not having to wean my little one was one of the only reasons I was thankful to not be able to get to AusBlogCon. I knew if he went without for a few days he wouldn’t go back. We are at 19 months now, he is by far my clingiest baby so I’m not surprised he’s lasted longer… but I am seeing the signs that this wont last much longer. *sniff* I’m off to get a tissue *sniff*

  3. April 1, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    Ah, sweetie… Next thing you know, he will be potty trained too. It all part of it, but, like you, I am a little bit sad when each stage comes to an end.

  4. Veronica
    April 1, 2011 at 7:44 pm

    I loved reading this post. I am completely envious of your ability to breastfeed. What you have accomplished is amazing! I wish I could have done the same and believe me it took me a while before the fight was over. Thank you for sharing. It was beautiful.

  5. April 3, 2011 at 1:42 pm

    It is a bit sad, but there definitely are some positive aspects. I couldn’t wait to ditch the nursing pads and get back into underwire bras. Relaxing with a nice glass of red over dinner doesn’t hurt either. 🙂

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